Disclosure Information
Lisa O’Neill, Carolyn Rigarlsford, Taryn O’Connor and Ellen Wahren are Financial Advisers so you can be assured of a high standard of service.
You can check registration details at www.fspr.govt.nz
Please use the links below to view the disclosure documents for Kapiti Mortgages & Insurance:
- Disclosure Document for Kapiti Mortgages and Insurance
- Disclosure Document for Lisa O’Neill (Lending)
- Disclosure Document for Lisa O’Neill (Insurance)
- Disclosure Document for Carolyn Rigarlsford
- Disclosure Document for Taryn O’Connor
- Disclosure Document for Ellen Wahren
For our Privacy Policy, please view this via the link below:
For further information, please Contact us.
What should you do if something goes wrong?
If you have a problem, concern, or complaint about any part of our service, please tell us so we can try to resolve things. You may contact our internal disputes service by telephoning Lisa O’Neill on 04 297 0927, by email at lisa@kapitimortgages.co.nz, or in writing to PO Box 2192, Raumati Beach. We will aim to come back to you within 2 working days of receipt the complaint.
Independent Complaint Resolution scheme
If we cannot agree on how to resolve the complaint, you can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL). FSCL are an independent, not-for-profit, external dispute resolution scheme approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs. FSCL’s service does not cost you anything and they will help resolve the complaint.
You can contact FSCL:
• by calling 0800 347 257
• by emailing complaints@fscl.org.nz
• through FSCL’s website: www.fscl.org.nz
• writing to:
PO Box 5967